My Story
HELLO EVERYONE & Welcome to my story, I am retired, a wife of 45 years married, 50 years together, mother of two grown children who are married and have children of their own so that makes me yes, a grandmother as well. I joined Scentsy in March 18th,2022 in this short amount of time I have had so much fun getting to know my team on this journey. I am learning there is help, from not just one but from one large Family group of friends. I have purchased a lot of products & wax from other consultants and decided to give it a try for myself and enjoy the rewards that I receive in the same way that they do. A very sweet consultant has helped to get my journey started and for this I am grateful. Scentsy keeps coming out with the most amazing wax scents and products. Yes, they sell more than wax as I'm sure you have seen by now It also gives me the opportunity to grow as I become more involved with Scentsy. Thank you for the opportunity for allowing me to help you with all of our products &, wax. purchases Why not join me on this journey? You never know where it may take you as I am finding new paths all the time. Happy Shopping.